Saturday, May 9, 2009

a half full....

Closer to midnight,
trying to learning, working hard to thinking,
Hhh... But I still have NothinG...!!!
maybe my brilliant brain got a pain?

Sstt...Stay Cool,
I see my glass a half full...
GOD will never create a fate, Until U made...

Dear 4jjI,
Remind me to always right on track..

Starting a New fiGht...!!!

DeaR God,
When I raise my hands to heaven,
I know YOU watching over me...

Today, I will starting a New fight,
I do realize its not that easy,
but I do believe YOU will make it easier 4 me...
My 'lil hands too tiny to grab,
I do believe YOU will make it posible to catch...
My 'lil step too weak to move,
But I do Believe YOU will make it so Smooth...

Go a head, Elita

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Coffee: The New Health Food?
Plenty of health benefits are brewing in America's beloved beverage.
By Sid Kirchheimer
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD

Want a drug that could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer? That could lift your mood and treat headaches? That could lower your risk of cavities?

If it sounds too good to be true, think again.

Coffee, the much maligned but undoubtedly beloved beverage, just made headlines for possibly cutting the risk of the latest disease epidemic, type 2 diabetes. And the real news seems to be that the more you drink, the better.
Reducing Disease Risk

After analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers calculate that compared with not partaking in America's favorite morning drink, downing one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by single digits. But having six cups or more each day slashed men's risk by 54% and women's by 30% over java avoiders.

Though the scientists give the customary "more research is needed" before they recommend you do overtime at Starbuck's to specifically prevent diabetes, their findings are very similar to those in a less-publicized Dutch study. And perhaps more importantly, it's the latest of hundreds of studies suggesting that coffee may be something of a health food -- especially in higher amounts.

In recent decades, some 19,000 studies have been done examining coffee's impact on health. And for the most part, their results are as pleasing as a gulp of freshly brewed Breakfast Blend for the 108 million Americans who routinely enjoy this traditionally morning -- and increasingly daylong -- ritual. In practical terms, regular coffee drinkers include the majority of U.S. adults and a growing number of children.

"Overall, the research shows that coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful," says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own medical research and tracks coffee studies from around the world. "For most people, very little bad comes from drinking it, but a lot of good."

Consider this: At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson's, with three showing the more they drink, the lower the risk. Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in liver cirrhosis risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones.

(Taken fRom: Men's Health)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wake Up early Tips

1. Have a good reason to get up.

I’ve found this to be the single most important element in being an early riser. Days in which I did not crystallise the reasons for getting up were more likely to result in sleep ins. Now, I make it clear the night before what it is I want to wake up early for. Initially, I found writing things down to be helpful, but this isn’t always necessary, as long as it is clear what the reasons are.

2. Be productive in the mornings.

It wasn’t enough to just be an early riser. If I had committed to waking up early for a reason, I’ve found it was crucial that I followed through. Not following through is like slow working poison. Over time, this has a cumulative effect and makes it harder and harder to rise early. This was a huge drain on motivation for me, especially when I was losing sleep and yet not getting the things I wanted to done. So stick to the plan and be productive.

3. Get enough sleep.

Your body is trying to tell you something if you constantly feel overly tired during the day. I’ve found it wasn’t really worthwhile trying to get up early if I didn’t get enough good sleep the night before. In the short term, I might get more discretionary time because I was sleeping less, which is good for coping with the spikes in workload. However, in the long term, things generally evened out - either because I was tired and couldn’t work as fast or I was sick as a result of a weakened immune system. My advice is to ensure you get enough sleep.

4. Go to bed earlier

One simple thing which helped me get enough sleep was to … well … go to bed earlier. Instead of constantly staying up past midnight and feeling tired the next morning, I now start preparing for bed around 11pm. I’ve found, around this time of night, I’m generally winding down anyway and not engaged in productive work. So shifting the hours around slightly has meant that overall my free time gets used more effectively - which is the primary reason for being an early riser! The amount of sleep needed is different from person to person and day to day. So, I listen to my body when it tells me that it is tired and it is time for bed.

5. Sleep more effectively.

The other thing I noticed about sleep is sleeping longer doesn’t necessarily translate to sleeping better. Somedays I can have 8 hours of sleep, yet feel like I haven’t slept at all. Other days I can be fully alert, productive and cheerful after only a few short hours.

If you find that you are still tired after a good stretch of 6-8 hours, chances are you’re not sleeping well. Most people just don’t need much more sleep than that. Sleeping well can be attained in various ways. I find having a good mattress and pillow with some quiet reading time before bed to be helpful.

6. No more another 10 mins.

I think everyone including me has two conflicting aspects to their personality. There’s the one which is good and generally seeks to self improve and be productive. Then there’s the other one - the little voice in the head urging us to sleep in for another 10 mins. I’ve learned the hard way that this little voice rarely has anything good to say. My advice is don’t ever have a discussion with him or indulge in anything he says! Sleeping in for another 10 mins is guaranteed to lead to another 10 mins and then another. The next time you hear that little voice, just say “No” out loud and …

7. Jump out of bed.

One trick I’ve found to be very effective in being an early riser and to stop myself from rationalising is to simply jump out of bed instantly. Once I am outside the comforts of the warm and cozy bed, I’m more likely to actually wake up and stay up. Someone once suggested to me by leaving the bedroom immediately, you also leave no doubt about your intentions to actually wake up and start doing things. Jumping out of bed and leaving the room actually works. They have prevented me from sleeping in on many a cold winter morning.

8. Use an alarm clock, just not the snooze.

Every day without fail, I wake up before the alarm goes off. I’m tempted to say setting it might not even be necessary! However, I take comfort in the knowledge that it’s there and waiting to go off, so I don’t have to worry about sleeping in. The trick with the alarm clock is to make it loud, annoying and not easily accessible. Try placing it away from arms reach, so that you can’t turn it off or get to the snooze button unless you get up out of bed. For me, this works wonders, because when it goes off, my wife and daughter are both still asleep and I instinctively try to get to it as quickly as possible.

9. Establish a stable routine.

What I recently learned from being a new dad is babies thrive on routine. My daughter now knows that bath time is followed by reading time and then bed time. Initially, she put up a fight resisting the bed. Now, she expects it!

In many ways, things are no different for us adults. I view the body as an instrument which can be trained. I’ve found establishing a consistent routine to be a key factor in becoming an early riser. This means waking up at same time everyday, not just the days I have to. This includes weekends, which typically aren’t as busy as the weekdays. Now, my body doesn’t even remember what it was like to sleep in and being a late riser.

10. Have something to look forward to.

Waking up early can be hard work, especially when you are used to sleeping in. Having a purpose is a good start, but this isn’t always enough. I mean, come one, are you really going to get up early to work on some TPS report for work? What I do in addition to having a purpose is to have a reward or other attractive incentive to get up for. It can be anything. I personally look forward to having time to check my emails in the morning, eat breakfast and drink a cup of tea.

11. Be aware of the consequences.

As I’ve written about previously, when faced with doing something we don’t want to do, we’re generally motivated not just by Pleasure, but also Pain. I’ve found that it was very effective to be aware of the consequences of sleeping in. For me, losing that extra 2 hours in the morning can have a significant flow on effect to my day and the rest of the week. Everytime I sleep in, I have to stay at work later and sacrifice quality time with my daughter in the evenings. This is something I clearly want to avoid, so being aware of this has been really effective in keeping me motivated when the alarm goes off.

12. Remove the option completely.

One trick I’ve found to work well also is removing the option of sleeping in completely. If we don’t have the option to sleep in, we won’t. The best way of doing this is schedule meetings and deadlines early in the mornings. This leaves one with no option at all but to get up because by the time the morning comes round, it is too late to cancel or reschedule a commitment. I’ve found this to be very effective because my actions now impact not just me but others as well.

13. Have a similarly motivated buddy.

Over the year, I have mentioned to various friends my desire to be a consistent early riser. Being encouraged by my example and results, they too have adopted the drive to be early risers. Not only is it gratifying to be helping others improve their productivity and quality of life, but having friends similarly committed helps keep me motivated and on track. Whenever we meet up, we always ask each other how we are doing with respect to being early risers. If anyone has fallen off the wagon, as a group we try to get them motivated again. Your spouse may be a good buddy even if only to kick you out of bed.

14. Keep track of your times.

Have you ever told yourself that you can sleep in just this once because you’ve already been good the whole week? I have. Unfortunately, my perception on how good I’ve been is subjective and often inaccurate. Sometimes I consider sleeping in because I feel that I’ve been good when in fact I’ve already slept in twice this week or six times this month. I’ve found keeping track of the days I have been good and not good to be immensely useful. I review this list periodically and whenever I find I’m falling behind, I use this list to renew my motivation and commitment.

15. Review all the things you got done.

I’ve written about the 10 R’s to success before. If you haven’t read that post, take a moment to do so. One of the more important R’s is Review which describes the importance of looking back on how successful you have been with your goals and what you’ve managed to accomplish. If things aren’t working out or the results weren’t as expected, then adjust your approach. Looking back at all the things you’ve managed to get done in the early mornings is a great motivator to keep you going.

Animals wanna Be...

FBI Wanna be; Dog Under cover

Hair Stylist Wanna be!

Army Wanna be

Sniper Wanna be

Monday, February 23, 2009



Hidden HUG

Daddy's HUG

Forbidden HUG


a Green Peace activist Hug

a wild Animal lover's Hug.....

AND THIS IS A BIG HUG 4 U.....!!!!!

Quote of the Day

Every person is a new door to a different world."
(from movie "Six Degrees of Seperation" )

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend."

(by: Albert Camus)

The Way U Look at Me

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up too
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes see everything without a single word

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me
(The Way U Look at Me- Christian Bautista)

Friend & Foe

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...
Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ponari Si Dukun Cilik Go International...!!

Juragan-juragan semuah,... fenomena khasiat air dukun cilik Ponari telah membius berjuta orang. Bahkan mereka rela ngantri berdesak-desakan, berhari-hari, dari daerah asal yg juauhhh disana, bahkan ada yang mati keinjak-injak segala... sampai akhirnya praktek dukun cilik Ponari harus dihentikan polisi.

Beberapa hari lalu, air comberan rumah ponari puh jadi rebutan. Kemudian, banyak para forumers yang ngusulkan supaya batunya ponari dicelupkan ke telaga atau laut, supaya bisa dimanfaatkan oleh semua orang.

Nah,.. kini harapan itu bukan cuma harapan lagi. Karena kini air berkhasiyat Ponari telah diproduksi masal, dan telah masuk ke rak-rak utama supermarket di seluruh pelosok tanah air,..
Bahkan hingga manca Negara,
See? Good Job Indonesia...!!!


from :
to :
Subject : a half of my heart

Dear theRe,
Ketika engkau pergi, separuh hatiku ikut terbawa,
cepatlah pulang, agar Ia bisa bernafas kembali...

from :
to :
Subject : Re; a half of my heart

Halaaah Lebay banget sech?
lagian kan masih ada separo yang laen kan?

from :
to :
Subject : Re; Re; a half of my heart

That's the Point!
When She Left Me, she take a half of my heart with heR,
; a half that most important foR Me,
'coZ The half that she left, is the half that only love her...


Sum, bermaksud memutuskan hubungan dengan
kekasihnya seorang bule dari Amerika bernama Robbie akan tetapi dia tak
sanggup untuk bertemu muka dengan kekasihnya. Sum menulis surat dengan
berbekal pengetahuan bahasa Inggris & kamus tebal.

Hi Robbie, with this letter I want to give know you
(hai Robbie, bersama surat ini saya inginmemberitahu kamu)


I have think this very cook cook
(saya telah memikirkan hal ini masak masak)

I know my love only clap half hand
(saya tahu cinta saya hanya bertepuk sebelah

Correctly, I have see you go with a woman entertainment at town with my eyes and head myself
(sebenarnya, saya telah melihat kamu pergi
bersama seorang wanita penghibur dI kota dengan mata kepala saya sendiri)

You always ask apology back back times
(kamu selalu minta maaf berulang ulang kali)

You eyes drop tears crocodile
(matamu mencucurkan airmata buaya)

You correct correct a man crocodile land
(kamu benar-benar seorang lelaki buaya darat)

My Friend speak you play fire
(teman saya bilang kamu bermain api)

Now I know you correct correct play fire
(sekarang saya tahu kamu benar benar bermain

So, I break connection and pull body from love
triangle this
(jadi, saya putuskan hubungan dan menarik diri
dari cinta segitiga ini)

I know result I pick this very correct, because
you love she very big from me
(saya tahu keputusan yang saya ambil ini benar,
karena kamu mencintai dia lebih besar dari saya)

But I still will not go far far from here
(namun saya tetap tidak akan pergi jauh-jauh
dari sini)

I don't want you play play with my liver
(saya tidak ingin kamu main-main dengan hati

I have been crying night night until no more eye water thinking about your bod
(saya menangis bermalam-malam sampai tidak adalagi airmata memikirkan dirimu)

I don't want to sick my liver for two times
(saya tidak mau sakit hati untuk kedua kalinya)

Safe walk, Robbie
(selamat jalan, Robbie)

Girl friend of your liver
(kekasih hatimu)

Sum Only

this river I forgive you, next river I kill you...!!!!
(kali ini aku maafkan kamu, kali lain kubunuh kau !)

*** Dikutip dari foward'an email temen2 saya :)
Miss U all...!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Things to TRy befoRe U Die...!

1. Love Ur self
Just Love just the way U R, even they said that U R too Short, too fat, too choosy, too selfish, too masculine.. whatever I'm beautiful like ME not like the other..

2. Be an autonomous woman, as personal & Financial
"Handsome Husband n Rich Parents in Law" is not cool anymore! That's old school ladies!

3. Got Ur Lovely Job
Day are too long to spend with the Wrong Job, isnt it?

4. Do something challenging Ur Adrenaline.
Diving with a shark? parachuting,Climbing, Cheating with somebody's Hubby? hehehe What a bad Girl!

5. Visit Ur dReam Place
Fishing in Papua, pasar terapung in Borneo, Sakura Season in Japan? Hehehe keep Dreaming...

6. MaRRy Ur Soulmate
Hhmm... let me Find the Right Man, in the Right Place n Right time!

7. Be a Mom
So sweet...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Favourite Guilty PleasuRe...

My Unexplainable feelinG
Un-Excuse lyinG
My challenging Adrenaline Instinct
a Dangeriuos Place I cannot HidinG

a warmest Hug I ever Felt,
a Unique feature I eveR Met,
My Silent CRy at Nite,

My Heavens on FiRe,
My forbiddeN desiRe,
'coz U R...
My Favourite Guilty PleasuRe...

Gravitation & Love

Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love
(Albert Einstein)

Saya menemukan kata-kata itu beberapa waktu yang lalu...
Yups! Ketika saya tidak mempu menyalahkan Gravitasi, pertanyaannya adalah
"Siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab?"
Apakah 'The Man' That I Love?
I couldnt just blame it on Him...

Sampai pada akhirnya saya Realize,
Bahwa Saya, Dia, hanyalah orang-orang yang tak berdaya...
DeaR God,
Give me a faith to leaRn about Unconditional Expected...
Remind me that He is will not gona be Mine,
Today Or Tommorow...

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Points of View

Resolusi on February nech...
Pas tgl 1 in the middle of the Night ,masih dengan setengah mimpi, saya berhasil mengumpulkan enegri untuk membuat yaa... Resolusi lah...
di Original version nya sebenarnya Resolusi ini berbentuk Tabel:
Kolom 1= Target, Kolom 2= Realization Time, Kolom 3= Rewards
Systemnya gini:
Saya akan mencatat tgl keberhasilan pencapaian target, kalo berhasil sebelum Dateline saya akan memberi Rewards ke diri saya sendiri...Yaa..;lil gift lah... bisa berbentuk baju,buku,coklat...apa yang sy pengen dech...
Kalo target tidak tercapai sesuai dateline maka akan dibebankan pada next month
Please remind Me People...!!!


Sending 100 Application letter
Re call Networking
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Get 40% Interview
Sending more application
Re call Networking
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Got a New Job
Recognize profile company, their rules cultures
Good socialization with new atmosphere
Listening& learning from the senior
Recognize job desk

Job desk application
Schedule review
Find the role of mode & stay away from 'devils wear prada'
Starting to Understanding customer behavior

Time Management
Be Organize! Write what U do, do What U write
Starting to give 'lil ideas
Read more literatures
focus in group discussion with team mate

Be prepare be organize
be a brilliant ideas maker
Up grade Ur performance starting from outside to inside
finish read 3 books a week
saving money 20%

Increase Ur English!
Starting a 'lil project
discuss! discuss! Discuss!
Be shine! Be Popular
Saving Money 30%
finish read 3 books a week

Have to be a calculated person in the company
take more project
Brainstorming! Brainstorming! Brainstorming!
English! English! English!
Saving 30% money
finish read 3 books a week

Take risk! Enjoy the pressure
Progress report review
More n more Brilliant ideas
English! English! English!
Take a deadly project!
finish read 4 books a week
Saving Money 30%

Update profile in Jobstreet,Jobdbs,
Keep Ur eyes Opened!
Other foreign language
finish read 4 books a week
More deadly project!
Evaluation & Review
Saving Money 30%

Other foreign language
finish read 4 books a week
Re Salary negotiable
Keep stay or Go away!
Saving Money 30%

Reflection oN Feb 1st

24 hOuRs in 24 yeaRs...
Cant Calculated how much TeaRs & feaRs...
Cant exPLaiN how much PaiN...
buT I'm fiNe!

Remember tHe time not about FaiLs, but it's Smiles
Realize tHe tiMe not by it's NumbeR, buT it's BehaviouR...

a 'lil steP to strait tHe Gate,
I'm tHe LeadeR of My FatE...
a 'lil JuMp to be moRe faitful,
I'm the CaptaiN of mY sOUL...

Lets Move On...!

Healthy Menus On Sunday

Another healthy Menus nech...
Special Black Pepper Udang...
Habis nungguin yang janji mo traktir kaga ada realisasinya sech...
It's so Delicious...!!! Trust Me...!!
What Can I say? I'm a good Chief anyway....!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

EviL & aNGel

I’m RunniNG out of tHe DaRk…
Doesn’T waNt to LookiNG back…
buT, jUsT Like a ShadoW, its always foLLow…

SometimeS I feeL sO fRaGile…
FiNe…! I’m Not aN aNGel…!!!

JusT WalKinG to tHe LiGht,
keeP moving to tHe RighT…
Just tRy another ‘Lil fight…

BuT, Ooohh… Sh*T…!!!
I tRapped by aNotheR blaCK hole…!!!
Now, dO I have aNotheR hope…??

deaR GOD,
WithOut a dOubt I finaLLy sEE…
eviL & aNGeL LifE iN Me…

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No Narciss No Exist…!!!

Awalnya saya ga pernah suka dengan semua bentuk kenarsisan, apapun alasannya! Titik!
Termasuk ketika salah satu teman saya yang dengan wajah tanpa dosa berkata:
“Aq tuch paling suka sama hidung aq, soalnya..bla..bla...“
Iiih…! Najis buncis gue dengernya…!!! Maki saya dalam hati..

Dilain waktu saya bertemu dengan teman saya yang lain yang sudah berkeluarga.
“Lit, kamu besok kalo cari suami, cari yang kaya aku ya… Mapan & beriman…”
Iiiih… Ga mo denger! Tutup kuping…!!!
Napa gue ga kawin ama lo sekalian aja??!! Puaas…??!! Kembali saya memaki dalam hati.

Satu lagi teman saya yang berperilaku narsis pernah ngomong begini:
“Contoh aku donk… berpola hidup sehat, nge-gym n diet teratur, makanya body ku jadinya gini nich…” Pamernya sambil memperlihatkan pangkal lengan nya
“Ga perlu aku perlihatkan perutku yang Six pack kan?” tambahnya lagi...
Uugghh…!!! Six pack dari hongkong??!! Ada juga Six Month! Alias kaya orang hamil…!!

Sampai suatu hari Ibu saya dengan suara yang sayup-sayup di ujung pesawat telp berpesan:
“Kowe kui cah wedhok, nduk… kudu ngati-ati… kudu sayang karo awakmu dewe…”

“Belajar untuk mengerti and menyayangi diri sendiri donk, de’…
Sekarang pikirin baik-baik, kalo kamu ga bisa mencintai diri sendiri gimana dengan orang lain coba?
Gimana caranya kamu bisa menyayangi orang lain?
Ingat, selama kamu ga bisa menghargai & menyayangi orang lain, jangan pernah menuntut orang lain untuk bisa menghargai & menyayangi kamu... Faham?“ Begitu Kakak saya pernah berpetuah...

Oke, fine! I got it People…!
Ternyata mencintai diri sendiri~ dalam kadar tertentu itu emang perlu ya?
Maka mulai hari ini, dengan ini saya memproklamirkan:
“I love Me, My Self & I”
No matter what happen & just the way I am…

*** Hey You…!!! Why don’t U just love me too…?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tentang Marpati & Metamorfosis itu…

Ketika tahun kedua saya di SMA,Kakak kelas saya… Hhh… agak sulit kalau harus di beri Inisial. Inisial nya menjadi kurang etis untuk ditulis di sini, Oke, sebut saja namanya Boy,
Boy Hidayat lengkapnya (Kebayangkan inisialnya jadi apa?) berpacaran dengan sahabat yang juga teman sekelas saya N**a.

Suatu ketika dengan wajah oriental-broken heart K Boy – begitu saya biasa memanggilnya, berkata:
“Mbil, Kakak putus sama N**a” ujarnya dengan nada putus asa…
Hhmm… aku mengangkat alisku sesaat, lalu kembali meneggelamkan diri dibalik majalah Horison.
“Gembil! Kakak barusan berantem terus putus ama N**a…!!” pekik nya kesal.

“Terus…??!!” jawabku ga kalah nyolot, bukan karena ga suka dia berteriak, tapi lebih karena kesal dengan panggilan nya padaku itu lho… Gembil??! Huh!! Percuma aja Emak gue bikin nama sekeren Elita; Elita kata dasarnya Elite artinya Orang pilihan…!
Dalam referensi lain Elita itu diambil dari kata Litany yang berarti Serangkaian do’a.
Terus cuma karena pipi saya yang memang rada sedikit overload pada saat itu, ga bisa juga dijadikan sebuah kesimpulan saya ganti nama gitu donk…?! Enak ajah…!

“Kakak Janji ke N**a untuk ga akan mencari penggantinya selama 10 tahun…” cetusnya pelan.
Hueek…hueek…Chuiiing…!!! Maki saya saat itu… ini adalah kali yang ke 13 ½ putus nyambung mereka selama setahun pacaran.
Ga heran mereka adalah top score di sekolah ini dalam hal putus-nyambung.
Jadi, kenapa mesti saya yang ribet sech…?
Lagian 10 tahun itu masa yang panjang Boy…! Eh, Kak Boy… Jangan lebai gitu donk…!
“Masih banyak Ikan di laut Kak, mari kita memancing lagi…” Hiburku
“Ga, pokoknya Kakak bakal buktiin ke dia!” tegas nya sekali lagi.
Hahaha… aku terbahak dalam hati, memberi garansi bahwa status kejombloannya tidak akan bertahan lama. Maksimum garansi 3 bulan dech, aaah bahkan paling Cuma 3 hari udah balikan lagi ama N**a.
Kalo iya ini berarti yang ke 14½ kali nya!
“10 tahun,dek... tidak boleh ada nama yang akan berkuasa hati kakak...“ lirihnya sebelum berlalu dari hadapanku...
1998-nya Kak Boy kala itu.

1998 – Present; Negeri ini.
Lihat saja apa yang terjadi dengan negeri ini selama kurun waktu sepuluh tahun itu...
Begitu Sang jendral yang selama 32 tahun berkuasa itulengser keprabon, ada beberapa nama yang memerintah negeri ini,
Sebut saja BJ. Habibie, Gus dur, Megawati, terakhir SBY...
Semua bukan kebetulan atau tanpa alasan; life gosong... eh, goes On...!!
See..?Tidak boleh ada kekosongan kekuasaan disebuah Negara!

Bahkan United State of America ~ Negara yang sejujurnya tidak begitu saya sukai. Terutama setelah saya melihat Condoleezza Rice mengangkat tangan abstained sewaktu United Nation membahas kemungkinan perdamaian untuk konflik di jalur Gaza.
“Wait ‘till Ur Son n daughter bleeding by your own missile, Mom!!” Pekik saya geram.
Ok, USA Dalam rencana proses pelantikan presiden terpilih Barack Obama- si Anak Menteng itu (begitu istilah yang sering digunakan orang Indonesia akhir-akhir ini; Huh, Indonesian XL : X-tra Lebai…!!! )
Latest Update, Obama akan dilantik 4 menit sebelum masa kekuasaan Bush berakhir.
Sekali lagi demi keamanan negara, tidak boleh ada kekosongan pemerintahan dalam suatu negara; Menghindari kudeta...
That’s the point, People...!

So, for the same reason too, saya melakukan hal yang serupa.
Maka dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun itu ada beberapa nama yang sempat menghuni hati saya.
Swear... Cuma beberapa koq, Hehehe… cukuplah buat referensi.

Ah, tiba-tiba saja saya teringat Dode; teman kuliah saya yang berasal dari Bali itu pernah menyampaikan sebuah teori ngawur-ngawuran; yang akhirnya kami beri judul : “Metamorfosis in Relationship”
Jadi menurut Dode, dalam metamorfosis in relationship itu ada 3 tahapan:
“Koleksi, Seleksi, & Resepsi…”
“Koleksi itu perlu, darimana kita tahu kalo dia best of the best kalo kita ga punya pilihan lain coba? Iya kan Lit?” Begitu bisiknya dulu disela-sela kuliah entomologi di siang yang panas kala itu.
“Nah, dalam tahapan seleksi pilihan itu dipersempit sambil mengenal lebih jauh, kalo orang jawa bilang dilihat bibit,bobot,dan bebetnya laah…”
“Yang terakhir, resepsi… ”
“Gue udah tau!” potongku dengan mata melotot.
Aku pusing!
Pusing harus membagi isi kepalaku dengan 3 hal dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
1. Kuliah entomologi yang sedang membahas proses repetitive discharge yang terjadi pada serangga akibat insektisida jenis phyretroide.
2. Kuliah tambahan dari Dode tentang Metamorfosis itu.
3. Menahan kantuk!

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya visit ke Blog nya K Boy, leave a message.
Seperti merpati ~ K Boy benar-benar menepati janji nya…

Beberapa waktu yang lalu juga saya bertemu Dode dalam sebuah resepsi Pernikahan teman sekelas.
Tampaknya saya dan Dode terjebak dalam fase yang sama dalam teori metamorfosis itu.
Bedanya, Kemarin Dode masih menggandeng orang yang sama dengan orang yang Ia gandeng sewaktu teori itu kami kemukakan sekitar 3-4 tahun lalu...

Sementara saya?
Ada sebuah nama, nama yang berbeda dengan nama ketika teori itu kami kemukakan.
Sebuah nama yang berhasil meng- kudeta hati saya selama beberapa waktu terakhir ini...
Sebuah nama yang entah mengapa- saya yakin; tidak akan membawa saya pada kesempurnaan pada proses Metamorfosis itu...

Toh, setidaknya saat ini saya belum siap untuk benar-benar mengepakkan sayap,
~ entah sebagai merpati...
~ entah sebagai kupu-kupu...

* Thanks buat semua orang yang memberi inspirasi dalam hidup saya

Angel's Lie

Finally I saw an angel lie to me...
With the tears run down her face she said "I'm sorry..."
There's no word we can say,
I feel empty, she feel guilty....

(Sssttt... sebenarnya ini Poem aku buat beberapa tahun yang lalu,
tapi aku belon bisa mengingat sambungan bait-baitnya... daripada ilang semua mending di posting sebagian dulu dech sambil nunggu respons kale-kale ada yang ingat hehehe


Matahari sedang lucu-lucunya berpijar siang itu. Aku baru saja keluar dari ruangan salah satu Chief of department , tugasku belum usai. Ya, masih ada satu nama lagi yang harus aku temui hari ini ; Shougi-san.

Ya! Harus hari ini, deadline!

Lucunya aku sangat menikmati setiap deadline itu, maybe that’s why I love this job.

Fuuiih… Kyo wa atsui desu ne -1…!

Sekilas aku melirik tokei-2, Ima 2-ji 10-pun desu-3,

Hhh... Pantas tiba-tiba saja aku merasa atama ga itai...!

Setengah berlari aku menaiki anak tangga, entah mengapa hari ini second floor saja terasa sangat jauh.

Tidak seperti di Tokyo, biasanya perkantoran disini tutup pukul 2 pm. Semoga Shougi-san belum pulang. Aku agak khawatir karena aku tidak membuat appointment terlebih dahulu. Uups…! Aku bahkan belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya, bagaimana kalau Shougi-san adalah salah satu dari orang yang berpapasan denganku di tangga tadi?


aku mengetuk pintu kaca yang sebenarnya sejak dari luar sudah membuatku bisa menghitung jumlah batang hidung yang tersisa di dalam ruangan itu. Tinggal dua!

Sumimasen, kyo wa Shougi-san no office desu ka-4

Sapaku sambil terburu-buru nyelonong masuk ruangan sebelum dipersilakan oleh pemiliknya.

Wajah-wajah yang tadinya tenggelam dibalik tumpukan berkas-berkas itu mengarahkan pandangannya padaku.

Dua laki-laki, salah satunya pasti Shougi-san, pikirku.

Ya! Harus Shougi-san!

Jika tidak, maka tamat lah riwayatku hari ini! Terbayang wajah Big Boss yang setia menanti setiap kegagalah- Ups maksud ku Keberhasilan yang tertunda, tepatnya. Dengan tatapan tajam dan intonasi suara yang sedikit kress; mengalami kenaikan satu oktaf…terkadang lebih.

Hai, Watashi wa Shougi desu-5” Ujar salah satunya sembari melangkah ke arahku.

Bbrrr… !!! seperti ada butiran salju dari puncak Fujiyama yang mendinginkan sekujur kepalaku beserta seluruh system yang ada di dalamnya.

Thanks God, U save my life today…

Perlahan ingatan tentang wajah pemilik suara ber-oktaf itu memudar.

Anata wa dare desu ka-6

Sebuah suara memaksa seluruh gumpalan putih di balik tempurung kepala ku mengumpulkan semua kekuatan memorynya agar bisa kembali fokus.

Tergagap aku menyodorkan tangan kearah nya.

Watashi wa Kirei desu-7“ cetus ku sambil menyebutkan Company tempat aku bekerja.

Dozoo, Kirei-san-8

Aku dipersilahkan duduk berhadapan dengan tempat Ia memilih kursi.

“ Anata wa shinbun o yommimashita ka-9

Sial! Dia bisa membaca maksud kedatanganku.

Hai, moo yommimashita-10” jawabku pasrah

Good, membuatku tidak perlu melakukan lagi all the things about business chit-chat yang terkadang membosankan itu.

Aku biarkan Shougi-san meng explain semua yang aku butuhkan. Dasar sensei! Pekik ku dalam hati, terlalu banyak analogi yang Ia pergunakan untuk menjelaskan setiap detailnya.

Jujur, aku tidak bisa menangkap semua penjelasan nya itu, ditambah lagi suara tenornya nyaris dikalah kan olek pekik sopran Air Conditioner yang ada di ruangan itu.

Aku bahkan tidak bisa melarang ekor mata ku yang sesekali secara otomatis memandang benda Uzur yang masih setia tergantung di sudut dinding ruangan ini.

Hhh… Mestinya fosil itu sudah menjadi penghuni salah satu musem di kota ini.

Kono nimotsu wa ea-meeru de ikura desu ka-11

Shougi san menyodorkan kertas berisi tulisan tangan, berisi nama beberapa items yang sangat aku kenal

Pasti tulisan tangan sekretarisnya, bisikku dalam hati. Terlalu rapi untuk tulisan seorang laki-laki di zaman yang penuh dengan kemudahan teknologi seperti ini.

Tanpa sadar aku menggelengkan kepala bermaksud mentertawakan teknologi itu.

Doshite ka-12“ Shougi san bertanya


“Hmm... let me check it in my office, then i’ll call U later“ elak ku sekenanya...

Lalu ku biarkan dia kembali menjelaskan tentang strategi-strategi yang bertebaran di dalam pikirannya.

Aku mulai mempelajari seraut wajah itu. Sesekali dahinya berkerut menandakan Ia tengah berfikir keras.

Ichi, ni, san....-13

Ahaa...! ada tiga kerutan yang barhasil aku tangkap ketika dahi itu berkerja keras!

Iseng-iseng aku mulai mengkalkulasikan setiap kerut dengan setiap dekade.

Lalu menambahkan bulu yang Ia biarkan memanjang dibawah dagu nya dengan hitungan satu dekade juga, kemudian menghitung kacamata yang Ia gunakan senilai setengah dekade.

Ahaaa...Shougi- san wa dono kurai 45! Beberapa tahun lebih muda bila di banding kan dengan Otoosan-14.

Tapi Otoosan lebih hansamu desu ne-15. Tipikal kulit Otoosan juga lebih shiro-16. Tapi Otoosan sedikit lebih kurus di banding dengan sosok Shougi-san.

Aaahh…!!! Kenapa aku malah sibuk membandingakan dua sosok itu sih?

Mendadak aku ingat masa kecil ku yang lebih dekat pada Otoosan daripada Haha-17

Otoosan, O genki desu ka-18… lirihku dalam hati,

Hhh… sejak pertengkaran hebat itu aku tidak pernah berbicara lagi pada Otoosan.

Tiba-tiba saja aku teringat watashi tachi no uchi-19 yang terletak di sebuah mura-20 nun jauh disana.

Kokako desu ka-21

Byaaar!! Pertanyaaa Shougi- san membuyarkan lamunan ku

Dame desu-22” sahut ku tergagap.

Segera aku kembali menjabat tangan nya hendak berpamitan.

Sayonara-23“ ucap kami nyaris bersamaan.


Aku menutup pintu ruangan itu.

***Hhh… aku lupa sesuatu; mengunci hatiku…

*** @@@***


1. Kyo wa atsui desu ne = cuaca panas sekali!

2. tokei = Jam

3. Ima 2-ji 10-pun desu = Pukul 2 lebih 10 menit

4. Sumimasen, kyo wa Shougi-san no office desu ka = Permisi, apakah ini ruangannya Bapak Shougi?

5. Hai, Watashi wa Shougi desu = Benar, saya Pak Shougi

6. Anata wa dare desu ka = Anda siapa?

7. Watashi wa Kirei desu = Nama saya Kirei

8. Dozoo, Kirei-san = Silahkan Nona Kirei

9. Anata wa shinbun o yommimashita ka = Anda sudah membaca Koran?

10. Hai, moo yommimashita = Betul, saya sudah membaca koran

11. Kono nimotsu wa ea-meeru de ikura desu ka= Barang2 itu harganya berapa?

12. Doshite ka = Kenapa?

13. Ichi, ni, san = Satu, dua, tiga

14. Otoosan = Ayah

15. hansamu desu ne = Cakep, Ganteng euy...!

16. shiro = Putih

17. Haha = Ibu

18. Otoosan, O genki desu ka = Ayah, apa kabar?

19. watashi tachi no uchi = Rumah kami

20. mura = Desa

21. Kokako desu ka = Ada pertanyaan?

22. Dame desu = Cukup

23. Sayonara = Sampai Jumpa

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vs Balung Tuo"

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya bertemu seorang teman saya sebut aja Mr. Busy Man.

Ia bercerita kalau akhir- akhir ini Ia sering merasa pegel-pegel n ga enak badan. Dengan face yang Very desperate Pisan,

Teman saya berkata :

“Maklum lah Buuw, Balung Tuo…tapi sudah rada lumayan, kemarin barusan pijet”

Uuups…!! Balung Tuo…!!

Kaya nya Dia ga setua itu dech….

Semoga artikel berikut bermanfaat…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vs Balung Tuo

Chronic fatigue Syndrome atau Sindrom Lelah kronik (SLK)

Rentan menyerang mereka yang memiliki gaya hidup aktif dan bersahabat dengan Stress.

Menurut Harvey Simon, MD ; Associate Professor of Medicine dari Harvard Medical School. Konon, penyakit ini ‘langganan’ para professional yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan.

Gejala – gejala Chronic fatigue Syndrome:

* Tubuh lemas tak bertenaga.

* Sakit kepala & tenggorokan.

* Nyeri dan kaku pada otot persendian

* Merasa lelah setelah melakukan aktifitas fisik ringan.

* Kualitas tidur buruk, ketika bangun tidur tidak merasa lebih segar.

* Insomnia

* Gangguan nafsu makan, diare bahkan anoreksia.

Penyebab secara fisik & psikologis:

* Aktivitas fisik yang berlebihan

* Stress

Sejumlah ahli mengatakan CFR bisa ditimbulkan oleh virus dan bakteri.

Misalnya cytomegalovirus (CMV) dan virus Ross River.

Atau bisa juga disebabkan jenis bakteri staphylococci, chlamidya, mycoplasma, dan rickettsia.

Namun, jumlah kasus yang disebabkan oleh bakteri dan virus jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kasus yang disebabkan oleh stress.

Dalam buku “Living Well with Chronic fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia ”, Mary J.Shomon menawarkan alternative untuk mengusir CFR:

* Jauhkan diri dari stress

* Hidup sehat & seimbang

* Olahraga teratur

* Banyak menglonsumsi Vit C dan B, terutama B5 dan B12 yang berfungsi menguatkan kelenjar adrenal.

* dikutip dari berbagi sumber