Monday, February 2, 2009

Reflection oN Feb 1st

24 hOuRs in 24 yeaRs...
Cant Calculated how much TeaRs & feaRs...
Cant exPLaiN how much PaiN...
buT I'm fiNe!

Remember tHe time not about FaiLs, but it's Smiles
Realize tHe tiMe not by it's NumbeR, buT it's BehaviouR...

a 'lil steP to strait tHe Gate,
I'm tHe LeadeR of My FatE...
a 'lil JuMp to be moRe faitful,
I'm the CaptaiN of mY sOUL...

Lets Move On...!

1 comment:

  1. Just one 'lil step and UR 25 ! UR a Lady Now..Go..Go...Fight...Fight...and Win !
