Resolusi on February nech...
Pas tgl 1 in the middle of the Night ,masih dengan setengah mimpi, saya berhasil mengumpulkan enegri untuk membuat yaa... Resolusi lah...
di Original version nya sebenarnya Resolusi ini berbentuk Tabel:
Kolom 1= Target, Kolom 2= Realization Time, Kolom 3= Rewards
Systemnya gini:
Saya akan mencatat tgl keberhasilan pencapaian target, kalo berhasil sebelum Dateline saya akan memberi Rewards ke diri saya sendiri...Yaa..;lil gift lah... bisa berbentuk baju,buku,coklat...apa yang sy pengen dech...
Kalo target tidak tercapai sesuai dateline maka akan dibebankan pada next month
Please remind Me People...!!!TargetsFebruary Sending 100 Application letter
Re call Networking
Fight! Fight! Fight!
MarchGet 40% Interview
Sending more application
Re call Networking
Fight! Fight! Fight!
AprilGot a New Job
Recognize profile company, their rules cultures
Good socialization with new atmosphere
Listening& learning from the senior
Recognize job desk
MayJob desk application
Schedule review
Find the role of mode & stay away from 'devils wear prada'
Starting to Understanding customer behavior
JuneTime Management
Be Organize! Write what U do, do What U write
Starting to give 'lil ideas
Read more literatures
focus in group discussion with team mate
JulyBe prepare be organize
be a brilliant ideas maker
Up grade Ur performance starting from outside to inside
finish read 3 books a week
saving money 20%
AugustIncrease Ur English!
Starting a 'lil project
discuss! discuss! Discuss!
Be shine! Be Popular
Saving Money 30%
finish read 3 books a week
SeptHave to be a calculated person in the company
take more project
Brainstorming! Brainstorming! Brainstorming!
English! English! English!
Saving 30% money
finish read 3 books a week
OctTake risk! Enjoy the pressure
Progress report review
More n more Brilliant ideas
English! English! English!
Take a deadly project!
finish read 4 books a week
Saving Money 30%
NovUpdate profile in Jobstreet,Jobdbs,
Keep Ur eyes Opened!
Other foreign language
finish read 4 books a week
More deadly project!
Evaluation & Review
Saving Money 30%
DecOther foreign language
finish read 4 books a week
Re Salary negotiable
Keep stay or Go away!
Saving Money 30%