Monday, February 23, 2009

Friend & Foe

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...
Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)


  1. There is a miracle called Friendship that dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or when it even starts.

    But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift and you realize that Friendship
    is God's most precious gift.

  2. Enggak setuju. Deket-deket musuh sama aja nyari mati. Jauhan aja bisa kena peluru nyasar, apalagi kalao closer. Bisa kecipratan granat nanti.

  3. Pak Udhien pernah denger istilah 'Musuh dalam Selimut'ga? Hehehe...
    Can U Imagine how close they aRe?
    Dear God,
    Mudah2n Pak Udien ga salah 'm'aRtikan' istilah itu... Amieen... hehehe

  4. Musuh dalam selimut ? Emang ada ya.. explain it to me clearly plz..supaya saya enggak salah persepsi. Setahu saya, musuh ya yang ada di depan ato belakang ato samping ato dalam diri kita. Lah kalo dalam selimut trus koyok ngopo rek..bingung aku :D

  5. Udah punya KTP belon?
    takutnya ga nyambung ama anak yg Under age...

  6. Udah dong. Kita bukan lagi Under Age, tapi Over Age mungkin...
